Elegance Keyboard

Manufacturer:Austin Bazaar Affiliate
Label:Austin Bazaar Affiliate

Product does not power on with the supplied adaptor or with the D batteries


Purchased as a holiday gift

61 Keys Keyboard

Seller will not exchange or refund money

Rating 1

Item is junk and seller is NOT reputable


Just throw your money right in the trash rather than be frustrated

My granddaughter loved this keyboard

Birthday Gift

She said that it was the best birthday present ever

61 Keys Keyboard

And I agree it is a great product at a reasonable price!

Rating 5


This keyboard is excellent value for money, but BEWARE::: The power unit being supplied by Austin Bazaar is incorrect and WILL RESULT IN DAMAGE TO THE UNIT


Check that a 9V power unit is supplied and NOT the 12V unit

61 Keys Keyboard

The latter unit will cause the keyboard to overheat and eventually burn out, rendering your money lost

Rating 3


This product is horrible - complete crime that they're selling this

Horrible Sham of a Product

The quality of the sound is absolutely horrific - that is, if you can get sound

61 Keys Keyboard

i owned this keyboard for a month before it stopped turning on - plugged in or with battery, the keyboard will not turn on, and there is no information for servicing this product

Rating 1

so buyers beware!


This keyboard is very poor quality

DO NOT Waste Your Money

It rattled when moved as if there was a broken piece inside

61 Keys Keyboard

It only worked on batteries

Rating 1

The power cord did not work


There were no instructions included

This 61 keys keyboard is perfect for beginners and students or anyone who doesnt havespace for a grand piano

61 Keys Keyboard

It comes with advanced features like Rising/Descending tone function, Single and fingered chord/ auto-base-chord/syn. Also includes features such as Vibrato, sustain, fill in, base effect

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